
Exhaust system, oil lines, tank & filter

Parts of the twin-exhaust were really thin so I decided to fit a new 2 into 1 system. I bought nos header pipes, squish pipe and Y-pipe made by Superior. A fishtail muffler was subsequently also bought from the same Ebay seller. New flexible heat shields were bought from J&P Cycles.

21Aug2016, I removed the old front header and squish pipe. The connecting joint was really frozen with rust. As there is very limited room, to remove it I had to collapse and cut the header away from the squish pipe. The header clamp-to-frame is missing so I'm making it.

5Sept2016  New flexi heat shield trial fitting.

The Y pipe junction was roughly finished.

 I used a dremmel to grind it smooth to aid exhaust flow. 

New slinky exhaust covers getting fitted..

The oil return line needed remaking because it fouls the rear header/slinky.
Modifying the flare tool for the 30° flares. Replacement oil return line completed...

 The two adaptors to obtain correct flare.

2nd attempt to make a pair of front-header-to frame-clamps. These are made from 2mm mild steel. They still proved too heavy gauge being too rigid.

1.6mm 1/16" was eventually used and worked well.

The refit is progressing nicely. 

 Mock assembly stage.

Proceeding well.. The oil line fits well.

Added the spacer to eliminate stress..

Oil Change 16July2017

Draining the oil tank using a piece of sheet metal as a shute..

After refilling, I disconnected the return line after the filter. Clear hose was used to extend it into a container.  I ran the engine till oil came out clean.

30March2018 Oil Filter Inspection

I dissected the oil filter to see what it had captured. Thankfully there wasn't much metallic particles but various tiny fragments of gasket,etc. Inspection it gives some indicator of engine condition and might signal an early warning.
It was surprising tough to get apart. The end caps are well glued. I had to insist. Tinsnips sorted out the cage. Then it was a case of peeling off the remaining glue. Finally I stretched the pleats of paper out flat. Not a huge amount of particles but it becomes instantly obvious which side is collecting when it's flipped over.

29 August 2020  Oil Tank Filler Cap Seal

A simple O-ring of exactly the right size fitted into the thread recess works well and repeatedly seals. Additionally it only needs light finger tightening. 15Jan2022 update. This is working exceedingly well. Not more leaks that run down toward the back edge of tank. It's easy to undo, no tool needed.

Exhaust clamps

15Jan2022 Made these stainless clamp to sort persistent exhaust leaks. TIG welded, 6mm capscrews. Used Permatex high-temp RTV however it's not setting completely. Will try another brand next time. Working well so far.

Ground back the right side flashing.

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